Nearly 500 years ago in England a Catholic bishop was martyred. England, which had been known throughout Europe as "Mary's Dowry," had been plunged into heresy and schism by a tyrannical King whose insatiable loins led him to break communion with Christ's Catholic Church and establish a parallel church which permitted divorce and remarriage, against the divine law set down by Christ in the Gospels.

So what relevance does St. John Fisher's life and martyrdom have for us moderns in 21st century America? Well, to put it quite bluntly, a lot. In recent weeks the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, led by Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (a Catholic who has been refused Holy Communion by her Archbishop over her avowed support for legalized abortion), handed down a mandate under ObamaCare which requires individual Catholic employers and Catholic institutions to provide employee health plans which cover various forms of birth control (the pill, IUDs, etc...), abortifacient drugs (Plan B, Ella, etc...), and sterilization free of charge. Yes, my friends, this means that Catholic institutions and employers will be required by federal law to subsidize artificial contraception (the use of which the Church deems morally reprehensible) or face a $2,000 fine per employee.
I should certainly note that the HHS Department has included an exemption for religious institutions that primarily employ and serve people of their own faith, and whose primary work is instruction in religious doctrine. This really would only apply to Catholic parishes themselves (although it's questionable if even they would apply, since parishes are involved in the work of serving and employing non-Catholics just like our Church schools, hospitals, and charitable institutions).
While it is laudable that the Administration saw fit to include some form of religious exemption, it is nevertheless completely unjustifiable that the Administration did not also include an exemption for religious institutions whose primary work is to serve all people regardless of faith. As a wise Catholic leader once said, "we don't serve people because they're Catholic, we serve them because we're Catholic," and for the Administration to presume that because a religious charity or college is not primarily working to promote its particular faith in the execution of its overall mission that they do not qualify as "religious enough" to qualify for an exemption is blatantly ridiculous. Since when is Obama the judge of Catholicity?
So where does this lead us? I must go back to the example of St. John Fisher. When faced with a government trying to tell the Church of Jesus Christ how it must organize its affairs, St. John Fisher said "Hell no, we won't go!" Catholics in this day and age facing a similar challenge should stand up and say the same. This mandate violates the principle of religious liberty which lies at the center of the First Amendment. Catholics must first of all pray to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of this Land, to convert the hearts of President Obama, Secretary Sebelius, and all those in authority, that they may swiftly change this unjust policy. In addition, we must write to the President, Secretary Sebelius, and our own Members of Congress to voice our disapproval of this mandate. And if the powers that be refuse to listen and this unjust mandate is allowed to go into effect, Catholics have to be willing to engage in peaceful civil disobedience to the government's unjust mandate, including refusing to pay the cost of the birth control coverage and refusing to pay the fines incurred for refusing to pay for the birth control. And, if it comes to it, we must be willing to go to jail to defend the integrity and liberty of Our Holy Mother the Church.
The Catholic Church gives us life. She preaches the Gospel of Life that frees us, she provides the Sacraments of the New Covenant which are the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, and she attends to the material needs of the poor and disadvantaged, the least of these, in imitation of her Lord and Savior. Despite the state crackdown on the practice of Catholicism in Henrician England, the Catholic Faith lived on in that realm. Likewise, Barack Obama WILL NEVER stop the work of the Kingdom of God in the United States from pressing forward, but ordinary lay Catholics have to be willing, like St. John Fisher, to stand with Christ before Caesar if we don't want to see the Church kneeling before the world, instead of the world kneeling before the Church.
by Rushad Thomas
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